Forgiveness Prayer
FATHER, I choose to forgive everyone that has ever hurt me, and I ask for the grace to be able to forgive them from my heart. Give me Your Love for everyone that has ever hurt me. JESUS, I ask you to come into my heart and take control of my life, and fill me with the healing power of your HOLY SPIRIT. Heal my body, soul and spirit. Heal me of all painful memories and release me from the bondage to them. Cleanse my mind of anything that I have read or seen that was not pleasing to you. Set me free of anything that is not a part of your plan. I want only the power of the Holy Spirit operating in me. Give me a hunger for the word of God; open it up to me with greater understanding. Let me experience your love for me in a greater way than I have ever known it. Let the love of Christ flow out of me to everyone I meet. Grant this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen
Commitment Prayer
Jesus, I know now that I am yours and you are mine forever. Thank you for sending your Spirit to me that I might have the power to live this new life with you. Stir up the fire of your Spirit in me. Release your Spirit in me. Baptize me with the fullness of your Spirit that I may experience your presence and power in my life. That I may find new meaning in your Scriptures. That I may find new meaning in the Sacraments. That I may discover and use the gifts you give me for the life of the Church. That I may experience the peace and the joy that you have promised us. Fill me with your Spirit, Jesus. I wish to receive all that you have to give me. Amen​
Litany of HumilityLI
O Jesus! Meek and humble of heart, hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
From the desire of being loved,
From the desire of being extolled,
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred,
From the desire of being consulted,
From the desire of being approved,
Deliver me, Jesus
From the fear of being humiliated,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being suspected,
Deliver me, Jesus
That others may be loved more than I,
That other may be esteemed more than I,
That in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease,
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
That others may be praised and I unnoticed,
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
Novena for Marriage
Opening prayer:
Father God, we beseech through this time of intercession in one heart and mind that You make haste to come to our aid. Father our marriages need much protection and healing. Your enemy is making a mockery of Your holy domestic church. Even those with a solid foundation are being rocked to the core by blows that can not be withstood alone. Father, release the blessings intended for those bound together in marriage. Father, break their hearts for what breaks Yours. We come together as married, single, and ordained to break the chains and lies of the accuser. We come to release Your healing into a broken world. Enkindle our hearts that we may be able to receive the brokenness of our brothers and sisters with the love of Christ. Break the fear of shame where there is suffering. Lord God bring Your healing and enlightenment. Lord we beg You to do what You need to do to save us. We choose to be all in for You and Your people. To You be all the honor and glory. Amen.
Prayer to St. Joseph:
Through the difficulties and trials you guided St. Joseph, you made him the protector of the Holy Family. During this stressful time in which we live, we ask You to safeguard marriage according to Your will. We appeal to the intercession of St. Joseph.
Dearest St. Joseph please intercede for us in the presence of the Father for all of our husbands and fathers that they may choose holy and obedient lives. Pray that they may have the strength to become the leaders of their domestic churches; that they may honor their wives and children as you modeled in your love for Mary your wife and our sweet Jesus. May, through your intercession, the men who have been called as husbands and fathers receive all of the blessings intended for their lives.
Prayer to Mary Most Holy:
In the midst of turmoil and at great cost to yourself you gave an unconditional "yes" to the Father. You became the model of wife and mother for the whole world. Dearest Mary pray for us in the presence of the Father that all women, wives and mothers may choose holy and obedient lives. Pray that they may have the humility to endure all things. That your daughters may truly accept the blessings of who they are as women. May they through the honor of their husbands in turn honor and love them as the heads of their domestic churches. Holy mother pray that the right order intended for all families be restored. Amen.
3 Hail Mary
3 Our Father
3 Glory Be
Closing prayer:
Father God we are filled with gratitude that you allow us to come before You with such bold requests. We have come with confidence filled with joy that You have heard our prayer. Now Your servant goes rejoicing for having met with the glory of God made manifest in your holy families. We praise You now and forever. Amen.